Ard Boyz chaos marine army

If I were to play in 'Ard boyz, this would be my 2500 point list:

HQ -

Sorceror with Mark of Tzeentch,
warptime, winds of chaos, meltabombs,
personal Icon
195 points

Elites -

5 chosen with 2 melta guns, 2 plasma guns
in rhino with extra armor
190 points

5 chosen with Icon of chaos glory,
2 melta guns, 2 flamers
in rhino with extra armor
180 points

5 Terminators -
1 with combi-melta
1 champion with combi-melta and chainfist
1 champion with combi-flamer
1 with heavy flamer
1 champion with Icon of chaos glory
225 points

Troops -

9 marines with Icon of chaos glory,
1 meltagun, 1 autocannon
1 champion with powerfist and combi-flamer
in rhino with extra armor and havoc launcher
295 points

9 marines with Icon of chaos glory,
1 meltagun, 1 autocannon
1 champion with powerfist and combi-flamer
in rhino with extra armor and havoc launcher
295 points

9 marines with Icon of chaos glory,
1 meltagun, 1 autocannon
1 champion with powerfist and combi-flamer
in rhino with extra armor and havoc launcher
295 points

Fast Attack -

3 bikers with 2 melta guns and
Icon of chaos glory
129 points

5 Raptors with 2 melta guns
120 points

5 Raptors with 2 melta guns
120 points

Heavy support -

Predator with autocannon and heavy bolter
sponsons and extra armor
115 points

Predator with autocannon and heavy bolter
sponsons and extra armor
115 points

3 obliterators
225 points

total 2499 points

Nasty? I don't know

18 melta guns if you count the oblits and the combi's

11 flamers if you count the oblits, the combi's and winds of chaos

5 autocannons, 4 heavy bolters, 3 lascannons (oblits)

4 deep striking units

18 kill points

3 scoring units

Army list from Codex: Chaos Space Marines

This is my Apostles of Contagion army list I will be using from the chaos marines codex:

HQ -

Chaos Sorcerer
Mark of Nurgle, Warptime
145 points

Greater Daemon
100 points

Troops -

5 plague marine with 2 meltaguns,
personal icon
1 champion with powerfist
in rhino extra armor
253 points

6 plague marines with 2 meltaguns,
personal icon
1 champion with powerfist
in rhino extra armor
276 points

6 plague marines with 2 meltaguns,
personal icon
1 champion with combi-melta
in rhino extra armor
261 points

14 lesser daemons
182 points

14 lesser daemons
182 points

14 lesser daemons
182 points

Heavy support

vindicator with possession
145 points

vindicator with possession
145 points

vindicator with possession
145 points

total 1998 points

Alrighty, here are some pics

So here are some of the only pics I have of my new Nurgle Renegades for my Apostles of Contagion army.

The first pic is 4 guys, the one on the left is a squad leader with a bolt pistol, next to him is a vox-caster and then next to him is a grenade launcher.

Next up is a squad of Nurgle guys, we got the leader, a grenade launcher and vox caster guy and the missile launcher guy is cut off on the left side.

And finally is a picture with 3 of my chemical mortars, and you can see the missile launcher team behind them and also a sorcerer I will be using.

I don't know if I'm totally done with these guys yet, but thats why I haven't painted them yet. I tried to use the GW basing kit because it has some neat resin bits. They seem to have come out all right.

Anyone wish to comment?

Maybe I'll get my first comments on these pics...

Been kinda lazy as of late.

Ya, I haven't posted in a while, but here goes.

I bought a box of fantasy battle zombies which is the last of the zombies I need to buy for the Apostles of Contagion Army I am building.

I looked at the army list I had and decided to change it up a bit. I will have champions in each plague marine squad with powerfists and no combi-flamers on the rhinos.

One squad of Plague Marines will be only 6 strong and Necrosius will ride with them.

What I need to purchase for the army still:

2 Chimeras ( I am working on a deal to acquire these from a buddy of mine)

1 Renegade Nurgle Sorcerer ( i want to use the Fantasy battle nurgle sorcerer model.)

7 Plague Marines

What I need to build:

3 Rhinos

21 Zombies

3 Plague Marine Squads

1 or 2 Sentinels (depends on my final army list)

2 possesed models incase my sorcerers get possessed

3 Spawn models I started years ago but never finished.

So as you can see I still have some work to do yet.