Traitor Guard

So the next army I completed was actually an extension of my Iron Warriors. This new army is a traitor guard army based on the rules in the Siege of Vraks books from Forgeworld. I have units in the army from all three Vraks books, so when I play a game I have alot of variety of units to choose from, I have approximately 3,500 points.

The army has a Company Command Squad, 2 platoon command squads, and 6 10-man platoons of renegades. It also has a squad of 5 renegade ogryn bersekers, 6 hounds of Xaphan with ogryn handler, 2 squads of 10 disciples of Xaphan (veterans essentially), 3 mortars, 60 mutants, 22 plague zombies, 13 beastmen, 5 Enforcers (commisars essentially), 7 sentinels, 2 Lemas Russes and a Malcador Defender (its the 5 heavy bolter variant).

This army is quite fun to play as I have a lot of choices to build a 2,000point army. I like to fit in all the renegade guard squads if possible. The Company Command squad has a vox-caster which is used for spotting if I take an Artillery Strike.

This is essentially an allied renegade army that fights alongside my Iron Warriors, it is led by a renegade Tech-Priest.

Later I will post pictures of these units when I get a chance.

What armies do I play and why?

This post is about the armies I've chosen to play and why.

I have a huge Iron Warriors army totaling around 12,000 points.
I started building this army when the first Index Astartes article about the Iron Warriors was printed in White Dwarf. I can't remember when that was but maybe 8 years ago or so. They just captured my imagination. I liked the idea of a Chaos Marine army devoid of daemons, an army that was very similar to an imperial space marine army except they hated the Imperium and wanted to tear it all down. They excel in siege warfare and bring big guns and lots of marines and tanks to the battlefield.

That was my vision for the army, a huge mechanized marine force, with big guns. I think I've hit the nail on the head with my army. One thing to note, I only have 6 Obliterators and only 4 are painted in Iron Warriors colors. I never cheesed out the army list with the 3.5 Chaos Codex like alot of people did. I have never played in a game where I took all 6 Oblits that was under 5,000 points. In fact, at 5,000 points I usually only take 4.

Now a days, this army is just not as effective as it used to be. Its not really a competitive army at 2,000 points or below. The new chaos codex has gutted the flavor and options the old one has, and I've grown a bit weary of playing them, that's why I've branched out recently into new armies.

Stay tuned for the next post.....Traitor Guard.

A note on my style of wargaming.

When I started wargaming it was back in the early 1990s and I was in middle school. I got into Warhammer Fantasy Battle first. I bought White Dwarf and I bought and painted figures. I was never able to play anyone though. No one I knew was as interested in buying, assembling and then painting their army. But I didn't care I liked the miniatures and loved the background.

I am in this hobby because it IS a hobby. I am into 40k because I LOVE the background. I would have stopped playing a decade ago if I wasn't so in love with the gimdark 40k universe.

All of this makes me the type of gamer that I am. I build armies because of their fluff, and because I think they'd look really cool as an army on the tabletop.

My gaming group, D-Company is another reason I am so involved in the hobby still. We are a gaming group that doesn't have a store to game at. We game in our basements. Almost everyone in my group has their own table in their house.

Every year we put on events at Rock-Con, Rockford Illinois' annual gaming convention, and we also put on an annual 'Big Game' and this year it looks like we will be putting on a tournament as well.

Forgeworld and home-brew rules are welcome in my group. One thing we have been striving for recently is to play this game the way WE want to play it.

I recently did an experiment with one of my friends. I have been complaining about the new Chaos Marine Codex since it first came out. I think its deplorable how GW stripped it of everything that made the 4th edition codex cool. Well my friend and I did a test. I played an army built from the old codex and he played an army built from the current one. the result? a tie!

Anyway, that is what I mean, My gaming group is awesome because we allow stuff like in our ranks.

Well enough for now, I've published more stuff today than I probably should have in a whole week, but whatever.
Here is the army list I am building at the moment.

Now most might look at this list and scoff saying 'its not 5th edition worthy!' and I would probably agree. Thats not the point. One thing that anyone who reads my blog will begin to notice is that when I build an army, its not 1,500 points, its not 1,850 or even 2,000 points. My armies are built to be large. This 2,000 points is simply a beginning.


Necrosius The Hand of Nurgle
160 points

Company Command Platoon
Company Command Squad with a
Vox-Caster and a Chaos Banner
50 points

Mortar Squad with chemical shells
75 points

Rogue Psyker of Nurgle with extra roll
25 points

Rogue Psyker of Nurgle with extra roll
25 points


7 Plague Marines with 2 meltaguns
In rhino with extra armor and
236 points

7 Plague Marines with 2 meltaguns
In rhino with extra armor and
236 points

7 Plague Marines with 2 meltaguns
In rhino with extra armor and
236 points


21 Plague Zombies
126 points

21 Plague Zombies
126 points

21 Plague Zombies
126 points

Renegade Armoured Fist Squad with
grenade launcher, missile launcher,
vox-caster and veteran with meltabombs
and bolt pistol.
Chimera with autocannon, extra armour,
pintle-heavy stubber.
200 points

Renegade Armoured Fist Squad with
grenade launcher, missile launcher,
vox-caster and veteran with meltabombs
and bolt pistol.
Chimera with autocannon, extra armour,
pintle-heavy stubber.
200 points

Fast Attack

Scount Sentinel Squadron
2 sentinels
70 points

Heavy Support

Artillery Strike—Bombard Strike
100 points

total: 1991

The Apostles of Contagion

So I made the plunge. For almost ten years now I've played Iron Warriors but now I'm gonna do something completely different. I'm building a Nurgle themed army. It will be based on the army list in the Siege of Vraks book III from Forgeworld as well as the Chaos Marine Codex.

My first goal is a traitor guard army with a heavy plague marine contingent.

I've already written an army list and have begun assembling the models.

I don't have any pictures yet, but they will be soon up here.

Necrosius will of course make an appearance as well.

This is my first blog.

This is the first blog I've ever created. This will chronicle my adventures in all thing 40k.

I will begin this blog with my newest army I've started to build, The Apostles of Contagion, hence the title of the blog.

I will also talk about other armies I've built in the past or armies I wish to work on in the future.

This blog will also be about my 40k RPGing, the GMing I'm doing and the tales of Inquisitor Raxxus.

I will do many other things on here as well, such as book reviews and the like.