Ard Boyz chaos marine army

If I were to play in 'Ard boyz, this would be my 2500 point list:

HQ -

Sorceror with Mark of Tzeentch,
warptime, winds of chaos, meltabombs,
personal Icon
195 points

Elites -

5 chosen with 2 melta guns, 2 plasma guns
in rhino with extra armor
190 points

5 chosen with Icon of chaos glory,
2 melta guns, 2 flamers
in rhino with extra armor
180 points

5 Terminators -
1 with combi-melta
1 champion with combi-melta and chainfist
1 champion with combi-flamer
1 with heavy flamer
1 champion with Icon of chaos glory
225 points

Troops -

9 marines with Icon of chaos glory,
1 meltagun, 1 autocannon
1 champion with powerfist and combi-flamer
in rhino with extra armor and havoc launcher
295 points

9 marines with Icon of chaos glory,
1 meltagun, 1 autocannon
1 champion with powerfist and combi-flamer
in rhino with extra armor and havoc launcher
295 points

9 marines with Icon of chaos glory,
1 meltagun, 1 autocannon
1 champion with powerfist and combi-flamer
in rhino with extra armor and havoc launcher
295 points

Fast Attack -

3 bikers with 2 melta guns and
Icon of chaos glory
129 points

5 Raptors with 2 melta guns
120 points

5 Raptors with 2 melta guns
120 points

Heavy support -

Predator with autocannon and heavy bolter
sponsons and extra armor
115 points

Predator with autocannon and heavy bolter
sponsons and extra armor
115 points

3 obliterators
225 points

total 2499 points

Nasty? I don't know

18 melta guns if you count the oblits and the combi's

11 flamers if you count the oblits, the combi's and winds of chaos

5 autocannons, 4 heavy bolters, 3 lascannons (oblits)

4 deep striking units

18 kill points

3 scoring units