One weekend Two games

So this past weekend I got in two games of 40k. The first one was 2,000 points on Friday against daemons and the second was 2500 on saturday against nids.

So here is the list I ran for the friday game:

HQ -
Sorceror, mark of Tzeentch, gift of chaos, warptime, personal icon, terminator armor

(This is not an ideal build for him I know, I'm still playing with HQs and can't settle on one I like yet, I wish i didn't have to take one at all honestly! lol)

Elites -
5 Chosen - icon of chaos glory, 2 melta guns, 2 flamers
in rhino

5 Chosen - icon of chaos glory, 2 plasma guns, 2 flamers
in rhino

Dreadnought - 2 ccws

9 marines - icon of chaos glory, meltagun, autocannon
1 champion - powerfist, combi-flamer
in rhino - extra armor, havoc launcher

9 marines - icon of chaos glory, meltagun, autocannon
1 champion - powerfist, combi-flamer
in rhino - extra armor, havoc launcher

9 marines - icon of chaos glory, meltagun, autocannon
1 champion - powerfist, combi-flamer
in rhino - extra armor, havoc launcher

Heavy support -
Predator - extra armor, 2 heavy bolters, 1 autocannon

Predator - extra armor, 2 heavy bolters, 1 autocannon

3 Obliterators


He had roughly:


3 Fiends of slaanesh

2 nurgle princes


3 squads of plague bearers

1 squad of nurglings

3 flamers

1 tzeentch character on a disk (dont remember his name)

Well, We tried the new spearhead deployment (the triangular one) and I deployed and won initiative. I Zoomed up my left flank towards the far objective.

He then started dropping in and by the end of my turn 4 all three daemon princes were dropped. I then had a relatively smooth victory by eliminating his troops with shooting/assaulting, never underestimate 10 chaos marines on the charge!

I ended up winning with two objectives taken to his one.

The game saturday was the game where we each had one objective in our own deployment zones. I knew this could be a tough fight, but I took my 2500 point list I posted on here with the berzerkers in it and was able to fight him to a draw.

Overall a good weekend of gaming.

So, I made the plunge finally.

I sent an exhaustively long email to Stelek over at Yes The Truth Hurts, introducing myself and giving him my two Ard Boys lists I posted earlier in this blog.

And now we await his response.

Hopefully he will be constructive. But I just really wanted to introduce myself.

So I'll let you all know his response.

Another 'Ard boyz list

This is something different I just came up with. I have units in here I never play with but maybe I'll give them a shot.

HQ -

Chaos Lord with Daemon Weapon
130 points

Chaos Lord with Daemon Weapon
130 points

Elites -

3 Terminators with 3 combi-meltas, one chainfist.
in Landraider with Extra Armor
355 points

Dreadnought with 2 close combat weapons
100 points

Dreadnought with 2 close combat weapons
100 points

Troops -

10 marines with 1 lascannon
in Rhino with Havoc Launcher
220 points

10 marines with 1 lascannon
in Rhino with Havoc Launcher
220 points

10 marines with 1 lascannon
in Rhino with Havoc Launcher
220 points

10 marines with 1 lascannon
in Rhino with Havoc Launcher
220 points

8 Khorne Berzerkers
1 Champion with powerfist
in rhino
264 points

Heavy Support -

3 obliterators
225 points

Predator with twin-linked lascannon and lascannon sponsons
165 points

150 points

total : 2499

The point of this list is to attack the enemy head on. The two lords ride in the Landraider with the terminators and move towards the enemy every turn, dumping out hopefully within charge range and assault 3 different units. The 2 dreadnoughts and the rhino with berzerkers do the same.

Meanwhile, the rest of the army sits back and shoots, hopefully busting transports and vehicles with ease then hitting the juicy innards with battlecannon and plasma cannon rounds. The marines in the 4 rhinos are the late game objective grabbers, they stay in their rhinos all game unless they need to get out to blast away with rapid firing bolters at some point.

The other idea with this list is to give the enemy no clear idea of what to shoot at other than the main assault force. And the whole armry has different armor values hopefully making it more difficult to pick and choose what to shoot at with what.

So what do ya'll think of this one?