So this past weekend I got in two games of 40k. The first one was 2,000 points on Friday against daemons and the second was 2500 on saturday against nids.
So here is the list I ran for the friday game:
HQ -
Sorceror, mark of Tzeentch, gift of chaos, warptime, personal icon, terminator armor
(This is not an ideal build for him I know, I'm still playing with HQs and can't settle on one I like yet, I wish i didn't have to take one at all honestly! lol)
Elites -
5 Chosen - icon of chaos glory, 2 melta guns, 2 flamers
in rhino
5 Chosen - icon of chaos glory, 2 plasma guns, 2 flamers
in rhino
Dreadnought - 2 ccws
9 marines - icon of chaos glory, meltagun, autocannon
1 champion - powerfist, combi-flamer
in rhino - extra armor, havoc launcher
9 marines - icon of chaos glory, meltagun, autocannon
1 champion - powerfist, combi-flamer
in rhino - extra armor, havoc launcher
9 marines - icon of chaos glory, meltagun, autocannon
1 champion - powerfist, combi-flamer
in rhino - extra armor, havoc launcher
Heavy support -
Predator - extra armor, 2 heavy bolters, 1 autocannon
Predator - extra armor, 2 heavy bolters, 1 autocannon
3 Obliterators
He had roughly:
3 Fiends of slaanesh
2 nurgle princes
3 squads of plague bearers
1 squad of nurglings
3 flamers
1 tzeentch character on a disk (dont remember his name)
Well, We tried the new spearhead deployment (the triangular one) and I deployed and won initiative. I Zoomed up my left flank towards the far objective.
He then started dropping in and by the end of my turn 4 all three daemon princes were dropped. I then had a relatively smooth victory by eliminating his troops with shooting/assaulting, never underestimate 10 chaos marines on the charge!
I ended up winning with two objectives taken to his one.
The game saturday was the game where we each had one objective in our own deployment zones. I knew this could be a tough fight, but I took my 2500 point list I posted on here with the berzerkers in it and was able to fight him to a draw.
Overall a good weekend of gaming.